Womens Outdoor Gear
Has it been an ordeal to find premium quality and stylish womens outdoor gear that are durable enough to withstand any weather but won’t make your wallet cry? Get all of it here at Wander Outdoors. With us being WA’s newest and freshest outdoor adventure apparel store, we take pride in offering you the highest quality outdoor gear from the best AU and NZ brands at amazing prices!
Do you love spending time in the wilderness or the open water? Are you one to go on hiking or camping trips during the weekends? Do you always go on outdoor adventures with friends and family? Then, you will want outdoor gear for women designed especially with female sensibilities and necessities in mind but engineered with the ultimate in durability and comfortability.
Here at Wander Outdoors, you can get chic outdoor clothing that will not just make you look sensational out in the wild but are exceptionally functional. Stay toasty when it’s freezing, super cool under the blazing heat of the sun, and keep dry when it’s raining or you’re out at sea. We have everything that can do the job from tops, tees, and singlets to tights, shorts, and pants to hoodies and jackets. Hyper lightweight yet rugged, you can make outdoor excursions a breeze!
Of course, you will need fashionable footwear to match your fit. Take your pick from our gorgeous boots and gaiters or our sleek jandals and deck booties to protect your feet while mountain climbing or fishing. Let’s not forget to protect your hair from dust, water, and the elements with our attractive hats and beanies. Then, round out your outdoor ensemble with Knockaround Sunglasses to give you some eye protection and the perfect stylish accent!
With your outfit covered, now you must get the absolute essentials. Staying hydrated is critical so you need to have insulated drink bottles, tumblers, mugs, and/or holders ready to keep your beverages cold or warm when you need them. If you’re going camping, we’ve got everything you need from tents and hammocks to ropes and cords to med kits to almost anything!
Going outdoors, you will surely need a knife. As they say, it’s better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it! When that necessity arises, we’ve got different collections for various use-case scenarios. From fixed blades and folding knives to tantos and skinners to rescue hooks and strap cutters, we have the sharpest and strongest knives for anything you will need it for.
Now that you’ve got all you need, let’s give your dog their outdoor accessories. You didn’t think we would have something for your furbabies did you? Yes, get your dog the works from collars and leashes to dog coats and life jackets to med kits and water bottles plus much more. Then finally, let’s give you a the ultimate in portability, functionality, and durability to carry all your outdoor gear. Take a closer look at our classy backpacks, bags, and coolers to see what tickles your fancy!
Our team here at Wander Outdoors is proud to offer you the most elegantly designed outdoor apparel and accessories engineered to endure time and the elements. Brought straight from brands with the same passion and dedication for delivering excellence as we do, you can trust us to provide you with truly premium quality products at fantastic prices.
Wander Outdoors is the only ‘Authorised and Exclusive Seller’ of Stoney Creek apparel and accessories in Western Australia. We also have other exclusive brands in store that include Newlyfe Towels, Swanndri, The Mad Hueys, and Knockaround. With names synonymous for delivering exquisite designs that are built to last, you will get the best-value outdoor gear available anywhere online or in brick-and-mortar stores!
So, what are you waiting for? Take your pick from our vast array of premium quality and stylish women’s outdoor gear at amazing prices!
Our Women’s Outdoor Gear Collections
Women’s Outdoor Clothing
Women’s Outdoor Footwear
- Knockaround Sunglasses
- Hats & Beanies
- Camping Accessories
- Knives
- Knife Accessories
- Insulated Drink Bottles, Tumblers, Mugs & Holders
- Backpacks, Bags, Packs, Coolers
- Dog Apparel
Why Choose Wander Outdoors?
- WA Owned & Operated
- Eco-friendly & Sustainable Business
- Supporting AU & NZ Owned & Operated Businesses
- No Fuss Exchanges Within 30 Days